Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Family Game Night

We just finished a great night of playing a game together. We've done this many times before, but tonight seemed particularly good for us. The game we played is called Sequence and is a card and chip game where a team tries to get five in a row. It is some chance and some strategy. But I think the reason that tonight was so satisfying was that we were all able to play. It wasn't too long, didn't require too much heavy thinking and even Maria could join in and make good contributions to her team.

It feels so good to have us working as a team. There wasn't too much competition that made feelings get hurt or emotions out of control. We all left the table knowing that we had a good time with each other. It is these kinds of nights that I live for as a parent. I want to know that my kids like each other and can play together and root for one another. It is the small event that I know will prepare them for the larger life events that will come along.

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